We believe that the accessories we choose to wear are a way of expressing ourselves.
Our moods change, the situations in which we find ourselves change.
Why can’t an accessory tell about these changes?
Why should a bag be “only one bag” or rather “one bag”?
This is why we design bags and accessories that you compose from time to time, to adapt it to every occasion without having to replace it.
Thanks to the replaceable panels and details, it allows you to create infinite variations and express your style. A transformational and versatile idea of luxury – one that focuses on people and creativity.
The principles of our work
A way of seeing, thinking and doing things. We put the functionality of design at the service of aesthetics and our way of designing. Innovation aimed at providing opportunities that sometimes seem complicated through technical solutions that multiply aesthetic solutions.
Practicality in changing your look quickly, and being suitable for every occasion, optimising your time.
Freedom to have more choices available for our look even in situations where space would impose exclusionary choices as is normally the case when we have to organise space in our suitcases.
For us, luxury is creating something in the best possible way, without compromising on quality, thanks to the craftsmanship of our Made in Italy artisans who, with their experience, help ensure that our creations represent our intentions exactly.